Trinity is one of a group of churches who provide a worship experience for the residents at the Oceana Medical Facility located at 701 E. Main Street, Hart, Michigan.
The facility provides nursing home care, rehabilitation care, Alzheimer’s care, and dementia care.
Trinity leads the service on the 3rd Sunday of the month, 4 times a year. Check the calendar to see the next date. The services start at 2:00 PM.
On our scheduled Sunday afternoon, a volunteer from Trinity greets the residents who attend, reads from the Scripture (usually the same one read in church that morning), and gives a sermonette on the topic. They have large-print song books and sing quite a few old favorites together before closing with prayer. One of Trinity’s pianists also volunteers to accompany the singing.
Visitors and extra helpers are so welcome! The residents enjoy having extra voices to sing with them. If you are so inclined, you could take a turn leading the service or playing the piano. If you visit a few times, you will get to know names and faces and become someone the residents look forward to.